Monday 27 November 2017


Definition-The term Intertextuality refers to the process of creating references to any kind of media text via another media text. In other words Intertextuality essentially means for a type of media(film,television,music etc) to pay homage to another media text.

An example of intertexuality in a music video is the song "You Know Me" by Robbie Williams.
While it starts off normally, it takes a turn when the man is pulled through a mirror into a world similar to that of Alice in Wonderland with Robbie dressed up as the White Rabbit. The intertexualtity here is the link between the video and the story.
Another example of intertexuality in the video is at the end where the lion in the MGM logo is replace by Robbie dressed as the rabbit.

Image result for robbie williams you know me

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