Monday 18 December 2017

Group Blog


Music Video Link:

During this year, I have been working with James Donovan to create a music video for the David Bowie song; The Man Who Sold The World.
The group blog shows the process of the planning and filming for the video.
We shared responsibilities for the video, but I focused more on the group blog while James paid more attention to editing. We both worked on the storyboard and filming.

Research and Planning:
We started off with two options for our music video, the other one being Nine Inch Nails' Hurt. I preferred the David Bowie song so that is what we went with. I had several ideas for the video and wanted it to be quite a surreal experience. I wanted to take inspiration from songs such as Ashes to Ashes.
Image result for david bowie music video

For the storyboard, it was basic just showing shots that we wanted to take.

Later on I would create a new storyboard that worked better as it showed the video in order.

I also took it upon myself to create a name for the band, while James created the album name. I didn't want something simple so I chose names that referenced history and mythology which led to the name being Nero Redivivus. I was also the one who created the logo through Photoshop.

During this time, I took multiple shots on my own including; time-lapses of the sky and a crowd and a lip-sync. I also filmed a close-up for the VHS scene.

Thursday 16th November
Location: Yewtree Cemetery
Shots Taken: Depth of field, pan-shot and hand on tombstone.
Weather: It was sunny but still had a lot of wind blowing.
For these bits, I was the only person on the camera so I did the work for lip-syncing and setting up the music for the shots.

Saturday 25th November
Shots Taken: Mirror shots with greenscreen. Medium shot with lighting under face. Shot of water blowing with the wind.
Weather: Frequent rain. Bright. This didn't effect filming as we were inside.

Monday 4th December 2017: Greenscreen shots. Close-up of eye.

Saturday 9th December: Cemetery, re-shot depth of field, pan shot with lip-sync. James' house, re-shot the mirror scene and filmed shot in the cupboard. Town, shots of crowds and river.
The poor weather did affect some continuity but we re-shot the scenes were it would have been affected.

Sunday 10th December: Close up of putting a video into a video player. This is something that I did alone.

Editing and Extra:

Although James did the proper editing, I started off with an edit to see the order that the shots would go in which would influence the actual video.

I primarily focused on extra work during this period of time. This included creating a magazine advert and a digi-pack for our group.

I attempted to create a different magazine advert for the concert however this ended up looking terrible. I wanted to add in an image of the two of us. I had to put this into Photoshop to remove the background but this ended up looking poor.

I used an image that was taken from last year and used Photoshop to create two adverts; one for the CD and the other as promotion for a concert.

For the digi-pack, I used InDesign and got a template in order to design it. I used images from the music video, the logo, the magazine advert and images online to create it.

Link to Wix: 

One of the things that needed to be created for promotional purposes was a website. I did this task by using Wix to design a website to promote the band.
The biggest problem was the fact that this was too complicated for me to create a good site. However I made three pages for basic presentation.
Overall, the greatest issue with making the website was that the designer existed to create a legitimate website for real music, not a fictional band like what we were doing. This mean that there was a lot about the base design that couldn't be changed.

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