Thursday 28 September 2017

Stereotypes, Camera Angles and Movements

In this lesson we had to look at the music video 'Otis' by Kanye West and Jay-Z and look at the representation in it. The reason why we looked at these was to see how music videos work with representation.

We had to follow this up with doing the same with a music video of our choice, in the style that we would like to do for our own. I chose 'Hurt' by Johnny Cash

In the next lesson we looked at 'Otis' again but this time looked at the camera angles and movements and see how the representation is affected by it.

Afterwards I looked at the camera angles and how it affected representation with 'Hurt'.

1 comment:

  1. all four done : well done
    there is an issue with the screen shots, you have made good solid links between the images and the connotations, there are strong stereotypes in this video mainly around ethnicity and gangs/ violence and attitude towards women ( especially white women) and the young females that are ' easy' and are after powerful men at the sacrifice of their own empowerment. They are clearly objectified and identified. You need to mention the male gaze when exploring this. You need to ensure that although the column says signs and signifies that you show your full range of ML by using - denotes, connotes, symbolises, etc.
