Tuesday 20 February 2018

Evaluation Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Our media product conforms to Roland Barthes’ Enigma Code theory until the end as the meaning is not fully explained but unlike other examples of this theory, the loose ends are not tied up and the true meaning of the video is left up to the viewers’ own connotations.
It partly conforms to Levi Strauss’ Binary Oppositions theory by showing the contrast between James and I, but also our similarities as we perform many of the same actions in the video.
Our product can’t be said to conform to stereotypes as it is intentionally set up to be something non-naturalistic. However one could say it conforms to the stereotype of teenagers being depressed.
Intentional low quality in some areas to add to the surreal theme. This goes against standard codes and conventions as ‘normal’ music videos usually have good quality.
The video maintains a dark and creepy atmosphere throughout it which does conform to the conventions of typical music videos in this genre. I took care to go along with this by keeping my facial expression as blank and lifeless as possible.
There was little inspiration taken from other music videos for our shots however we were inspired by films such as Fight Club for the scenes where James appear for a split-second, and Ghostbusters when we opened up the cupboard. 
I wanted it to be similar to some other videos in the same genre by leaving the audience asking questions and thinking about the meaning behind the videos story by putting in as few denotations as possible.

Method: Piece to camera. In order to set this up I had to print off the images of what I was talking about. I set up an area in the backroom of my house with the camera on the computer which had my script. This was a difficult piece to finish as I had to read my lines while still looking at the camera and remembering when to hold up the pictures.


  1. Excellent well done David. A great job. Clear, focused and thoroughly answering the set question.
    Mrs McD-H

  2. Excellent well done David. A great job. Clear, focused and thoroughly answering the set question.
    Mrs McD-H
