Monday 19 February 2018

Evaluation Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?
Early on, we identified our target audience as teenagers and young adults who are fans of art rock and things that are surreal. James created a questionnaire which I gave out to people to fill it in. However this proved to be a flawed concept as the questions didn’t help us much in understanding what they would want to see in our music video.
To make up for this, we organised a focus group made up of the target audience we were hoping to reach. This was us showing them our research into the song and our planning for the video. One responded positively to the storyboard as he said that they would make for some visually interesting and memorable scenes. However another did say that the storyboard could be improved on which I later did by creating a new one.
After we filmed and edited our music video, we brought back some of the members of the first focus group to give us their opinions on the video. Based off this we learnt that they liked the atmosphere and the ambiguous narrative. However, some criticism included; the mirror scene not looking right (because of the visible greenscreen outline), one scene going on for too long resulting in the video seeming somewhat awkward and the music sounded terrible. The latter was a result of James recording the song off YouTube with the internal speakers on the computer.
We fixed these problems as best as we could (we were not able to re-film the greenscreen scene) and showed the final product to the focus group which they liked.
In one of our lessons we went around the class watching each other’s music videos and give our opinions on them. Based on the feedback I received they liked; the narrative, the mirror and cupboard scenes, the open-ended ending while thinking that there was a lack of variety in the shots but by that time it was too late to change anything.

Method: Prezi. I had never used this before but I was able to adapt quickly. I copied and pasted the answer into the sections and added images to the relevant parts.

1 comment:

  1. Not bad so far David - relevant responses but can be developed - are you going to add more information? I do recommend it as it touches on Level 2 or into 3 response at present. Information or audio of what people thought of it initially may help. See me in lesson and we will discuss methods to improve to reach Level 4.
    Mrs McD-H
