Friday 9 February 2018

Evaluation Question 4

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
Throughout the entire process we used Blogger to keep up with the work we were doing whether it was bringing together ideas for the video or presenting them at the end.
For research, I used the YouTube to watch videos in order to take inspiration from them and observe the standard codes and conventions and Wikipedia to learn about different genres to see what would fit ours as well as record companies.
During the planning stage, I used Microsoft Word to create a pseudo-storyboard. It was the lyrics with information of what we were going to put there. I used Photoshop to create the logo for our band which was the Roman eagle with the name.
While we were filming we used the cameras on our phones to film.
When I made my digi-pack, I used In Design and Photoshop. I used the latter to bring in and edit images for the digi-pack. The former to put together the whole CD. While I was not the one who did the editing, I did a small practice of it in Sony Vegas to see where some bits would go which James looked at and the opening of his would be similar.
I used Wix in order to design a website for our band. I will admit that I am unskilled when it comes to something like this so I just made some simple pages with images of our CD and logo.
Finally when evaluating our music video, I have used Prezi in order to answer one of the questions as well as currently using green screen to answer this one.

Method: Greenscreen. James and I went down to the greenscreen room and recorded each others answers. We both had the computer on in the back with the answer in the largest size possible so we could see it. We both broke up the answer into sections which resulted in mine being finished in 10 minutes. I put it into Sony Vegas where I changed the colour of the greenscreen to black and added the images of what I was talking about.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent use of greenscreen David with clear outlines of your technology use. Well done L3 into L4 response.
    Mrs McD-H
